Travelling by car

Travelling with your own car. A bit more comfortable than travelling with just a backpack and no longer retrained by the fixed routes of public transport. Driving where ever we want to go and stop when we feel like it; that is our favourite way of travelling. Complete freedom!

The level of independance will be largely determined by the type of vehicle and the facilities. We are no luxury travellers. A huge camper completely kitted out is not our thing. We do not need a toilet, microwave and washing machine. However we would not want to miss out on electricity, running water and a good fridge. Besides that, our car must be tough. We really like driving off road and for us bush camping is part of every adventure.

On the left there are links to both the cars we have travelled with.

  • The Land Rover Defender was our first car. With this car we travelled overland to Africa and Asia in 2007-2008.
  • The Toyota Landcruiser is our current car. We have already done many journeys with this car. One of them is an overland trip from Holland to Bangkok in 2014.